Scholarships for Young Chujes

The Jóvenes Chujes School Scholarship project seeks to offer adolescents and young people, in disadvantaged economic resources in San Mateo Ixtatán, educational opportunities so that they can access a quality education. That means they have a high academic interest, leadership and commitment in order to improve their living conditions. 

The innovative approach of the scholarship project is to strengthen local skills and capacities by conducting workshops on several topics, such as migration, violence prevention, sexual violence, exploitation, human trafficking, entrepreneurship, self-esteem, mental health, leadership, teamwork and vocational orientation.

The scholarships are financed by national and international persons, institutions that believe in education and are awarded annually based on a socioeconomic study and a home visit to each of the applicants.

The follow-up and monitoring of scholarship students is done through visits, quarterly meetings and constant communication to obtain information on academic performance, progress and challenges; in addition to coordinating the support and help of the authorities of the educational centers and the District Coordinator of Education -CD- of San Mateo Ixtatán.

So far (2024), there is a record of the last 5 years of more than 1000 scholarships to young people, where 74% of the scholarship students are women, which is essential to reduce inequality in access to education and promote their inclusion in the labor market. This, at the same time, encourages them to undertake business and allows them to enjoy their fundamental human rights.